
Permanent Record by Edward Snowden

This is not a proper book review. Just some thoughts and notes on topics in the book that I found interesting. Given that I’m somewhat of a privacy enthusiast, I’m not sure why I didn’t read this sooner. It was published on September 17 (Constitution Day), 2019 and I read it this year. Some might say skip the first half of the book or so to get to the whistleblowing, but I enjoyed the whole thing.

Switched From WordPress to Hugo

I’ve switched my site from WordPress to Hugo. I was intrigued by Markdown and the ability of just focusing on the content and not having to deal directly with HTML. I hate HTML. Then I went down the path of choosing a static site generator. There’s a lot of them but I chose Hugo because it’s fast and not written in Javascript. I may start learning Go as well. I didn’t need a full-blown CMS for this site anyway and could do without having to update WordPress/theme/plugins periodically.

Dream Theater Grove of Anaheim 2011-12-02

I was surprised this tour how they came back so quickly. I previously went to the Nokia Theater show on 09-25-11. I was kinda disappointed the set was so similar. They just swapped out The Great Debate for Outcry, which I prefer anyway. But still I’m eager to see Mangini’s take on more DT material. The venue this time was a little smaller and they did have a few sound issues throughout the night as you can hear on the recording.